Thursday, April 15, 2010

writing prompts for "doubt" (incomplete)

Which people or events have shaped your world view? Have you become disillusioned in any way? How do you feel about that? Write a brief paragraph about a person or event that caused you to reevaluate your concept of how the world works. Use examples.

What color are your mother's eyes? 
my mother's eyes are light crystal blue.  I know this because i have directly seen them.
Whom do you trust? 
I trust only myself the most.  I know this because i have directly learned that no one else can completely be trusted. 
What color is the ocean? 
The ocean varies in color.  I know this from what i have been told which makes it hearsay.  Ive seen the ocean be a nasty blue/green/brown color but i have heard from my fiance that the ocean is very blue and beatiful in the bahamas.
Is there life after death? 
In a way there is life after death.  I do not know this from direct observation because obviously ive nover died.  I do believe there is heaven and hell but no reincarnation.  I know this because i believe in the Christian beliefs.  I guess that would be considered hearsay since i was taught that my entire life.  I am completely sure about this because it just feels right.  I guess that would be intuition.
Is it always wrong to steal? 
It is always wrong to steal because not only does every one say is it wrong but you feel guilty after stealing.  That would be hearsay and intuition.
Is there life on other planets? 
I do not know the answer to this question becuase i am not all knowing and have never directly seen "aliens".  I seriously doubt there is because every one says there is not.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I have a great one for this topic..especially since this seems to be all thats on my mind the last couple days.

Monday night my older sister and I went to the laundry mat to do some laundry.  we have been going to the same place for a while and never had any bad experiences.  while there we realized we had left the dryer sheets at home.  This happens quite often so as usual we walk next door to the store to buy some new ones. We were not expecting anything out of the ordinary to happen.  as we were crossing over from the laundry mat parking lot to the store parking lot we notice 2 dark skinned men wearing pullover hoodies walking past the store talking.  We thought nothing of it.  People walk around all the time in south macon.  Well when the men got closer, one began to run.  We didnt have to to realize what was going on until he had already pushed me out of the way and was attempting to snatch my sisters purse (i had left mine in the car).  After a short struggle (she tried but of course he was a grown man), he managed to break the strap and run accross the street and down another street.  I ended up with a couple briuses and my sister without her purse.  it was quite a night!
I would consider this irony because we expected a normal laundry night and we definitely did not get a normal night.